
thanks to the packers

it’s all over but the shouting. the packers won yesterday. the quote of the day from the cnn website:

“the packers’ 28-14 victory over the redskins yesterday, which, as you’re sick of hearing by now, means you don’t need to vote tomorrow, because kerry has already won.”

of course, these curses have a way of ending.

just ask the red sox.

and, although it’s an evil thought and i’m kind of sorry to have thought it so many times, but not really, i spent the entire reagan presidency waiting for him to die in office because, as everyone then knew, presidents elected in the 20 year cycle of 1960, 1940, 1920, 1900, etc. had all died in office. going back to lincoln or maybe further. you can look it up.

and then reagan had to go and screw it all up. or maybe it was just john hinckley who had to screw it all up. why the hell did mark david chapman have to have such good aim? talk about the wrong guy getting it. if you think that’s harsh, then you weren’t a gay man in the ’80s watching friends die of aids while reagan sat with his metaphorical thumb up his ass. i assume it was metaphorical.

although it could be said that while reagan did not die in office, his brain certainly did, and the streak is alive. is that harsh? you bet it is. see above.

i have the luxury of perspective for reagan, and my opinion of that bastard hasn’t softened in the twenty years that have subsequently passed. i’m sure he was a great guy for tip o’neill to drink with and he got credit for ending the evil russian empire even though it was probably timing and culmination and all that, but he’ll be forever condemned by me for the one big thing he didn’t have the decency to do. even though i’m not a one-issue kind of guy, that’s just too big a one-issue.

and then i spent some time over the last four years, but not nearly as much time, wondering if the cycle would revive itself this time with the man elected in 2000 and hoping that it wouldn’t. as bad as bush is, at least he does what he’s told, even though apparently what he’s being told is to screw the country up however you want because the end of the world is at hand anyway. but, can you imagine a cheney presidency? gepetto taking over the pinocchio role? it would truly be will-the-last-sane-person-leaving-turn-out-the-lights time.

although, paradoxically, i have to say i don’t remember being quite this angry at reagan at the time, and that’s really saying something. i’m pretty pissed at bush.

so i’m oddly hoping that the curse doesn’t revive itself, and that i only have two more months, and not four years and two months, to think about the whole thing anyway, or if it does revive itself, then it will be after a bush loss and not a bush win that would give us four years or whatever of cheney.

and i also hope that this particular blog entry doesn’t suck up what little karma i have left.

i’m doing a lot of superstitious hair-splitting lately.

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