
questions to ask

it’s the 4th anniversary of 9/11. and i have some questions.

for dick cheney: during the last election, you said that if we elected john kerry, we’d all die. care to stand in new orleans and revise your comments?

for george bush: why should we believe that your administration’s response to hurricane katrina is anything other than an indicator of your typical response to a terror attack?

for michael brown: given that your resume reflects such scant experience in emergency management, if you could do it all again, would you do a better job of faking that resume?

for barbara bush: will you agree to live in the superdome for a month? or the astrodome?

for michael chertoff: when does your airplane flight to hell leave?

followup for michael chertoff: how are poverty-stricken evacuees supposed to access relief funds that fema is direct-depositing in checking accounts?

another followup for michael chertoff: how are poverty-stricken evacuees supposed to access relief funds that fema mails to people’s destroyed homes in the form of a check?

for bill clinton: will you consider removing yourself from the taint of the bush clan, and divorce george bush the elder?

for any democrat in congress: are you genetically unable to coherently express any outrage?

for shepard smith: was your famous moment of clarity only a single moment?

for anderson cooper: was your famous moment of clarity only a single moment?

for paula zahn: was your famous moment of clarity only a single moment?

for geraldo rivera: have you ever had a moment of clarity that wasn’t related to your fame?

for keith olbermann: where have you been hiding your intelligence?

for myself: are you going to do anything other than writing a check?

for you: what are you going to do about all this?

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