i just finished a massive set of changes to the site’s appearance. much better, huh?
what, you don’t notice the changes? wondering what they are?
well, maybe that’s because after implementing them, i decided i didn’t like them and changed things back to the way they were previously. so, unless you happened to visit in the 5 minutes they were live on the site, you’ll never know the difference.
and, anyway, they weren’t so massive. i just added the orange rounded-box bar thingy that’s on the right to the navigation links on the left. but that precipitated other numerous tweaks to get everything looking just right.
and then i decided i didn’t like the orange box on the left, so i changed it back, which didn’t take nearly as long, since i remembered how it was before.
it’s my site. it’s my prerogative.
if you have any constructive criticism of the site, feel free to leave it in the comments. keep in mind my design ethic, which is text-based, dial-up friendly (i try to stay away from slow-loading massive graphics files) and optimized for visually-impaired users.
i love to hear from you. yes, you.