ripping off apple

lots of news stories recently about various people “stealing” apple software, like front row or the apple operating system running on generic intel computers instead of apple hardware.

is this stealing? technically, of course, yes. kirk is an artist, so we have a vested interest in understanding the concept of intellectual property. and my machine doesn’t have a byte of bootlegged software. heck, i’ve even paid for a lot of my shareware. bottom line, don’t steal software!

that said, my sense is that apple knows exactly what they are doing with this software and, to a degree, even encourages its “theft”.
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getting rid of quicken

i’ve used quicken, the personal money management software package, for years and years. before there was quicken, i used check free software to pay bills online.

i haven’t written a check for a bill since about 1989.

so i have some expertise in this area. and my one gripe about switching to a mac was quicken.

it’s not apple’s fault. intuit, the publisher of quicken, just does a lousy job with the mac version of the program. it’s completely inferior to the pc version. i’ve adjusted, but i’m doing a lot of things manually that used to be automated.

here’s why i’m so gripey about quicken.

it’s greed.
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the wizard of jobs

steve jobs in god mode

pay close attention to the man in front of the curtain

first off, apologies on behalf on my hosting service which has yet to apologize to me–the site was down yesterday for at least 24 hours through no fault of mine. there are several of you getting your daily queerspace fix, a number sure to rise into two figures anytime now, and yesterday must have been hell for you.

i love the picture above. i blatantly stole it from a mac rumor site posting–it’s steve jobs playing around with his newly introduced photobooth software. it reminds me a lot of kai’s power goo, a little program i had for my student’s macs years ago, but that was so long ago that i’m sure everyone has forgotten about it and the concept of photobooth seems fresh and fun once more.

anyway, i made some predictions about wednesday’s big apple event. actually it was in california, not new york. har har har. let’s check in and see how i did.
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today’s the day

the apple “one more thing” press event starts at 1:00pm est today. and then the wait will be over.

why do i care? i’m not sure. it’s not like i’m going to buy anything that is introduced. at least i don’t think i am. i guess it’s just that i like rooting for the underdog. after all, i’m a mets fan. and apple is the underdog, and microsoft is the yankees, and i’d like to see apple hit a home run and knock the wind out of microsoft’s sails.

too much to hope for. too many mixed metaphors. but it still interests me, and there’s always hope.

florida, by the way, was a lot of fun.
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apple rumors

one side benefit to switching from my pc back to my beloved mac is the reawakening of my mac fanaticism.

yes, i’m an apple fanboy. have been since 1986 and the mac pluses i bought for my journalism classroom, except for my recent brief sojourn away from the fold. and there’s nothing like the evangelical community that surrounds the company and its products.

and evidently next week, there will be lots of new reasons to be fanatical and celebratory.
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worst. marketing. ever.

dell has introduced their latest “ipod killer”. it’s called the “dell ditty”. as dave barry is so fond of saying, i am not making this up.

i am also not making up this unfortunate website which dell has apparently created to promote this unfortunately named product.

honestly, i thought this was a parody site. i’m still not sure that it isn’t. if i’m missing some joke here, please let me know. is this loser guy in a track suit supposed to make me want to buy a dell ditty? even al sharpton doesn’t wear these anymore.

and can you picture the conversation if you actually had one of these things?

“is that an ipod?”

“no, it’s my new dell ditty.”

[hysterical laughter]

“well, it’s not my fault. my grandmother gave it to me.”

and the comments here will make you pee your pants laughing.

quicken for mac sucks

i’ve used quicken for windows to do my home finances for years. many more than ten years. and i’ve paid my bills online for more years than that. i used check free when it was a standalone product and i uploaded my payments on a 2400 baud modem. and my first versions of quicken came on floppy disks.

so i know whereof i speak when i say that intuit, the distributor of quicken for mac can. kiss. my. annoyed. ass.
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steve jobs is my new hero

loving the new mac mini, with one slight quandary remaining.

i’d forgotten how easy it all was. i had kvetched with the salespeople at tekserve, bombarding them with a million “what if” questions.

what if my cable modem won’t connect? how will i then get drivers for my peripherals? how do i configure my mail and internet access? will my printer print? will my scanner scan? will my mouse mouse?

and so on.

i’m such a fool.
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switching to a mac

yes i’m switching to a mac. more in a moment.

but first, i saw the movie “the aristocrats” this weekend, and i’m still making up my mind on the ranking, but i’m pretty sure it was the funniest movie i’ve ever seen, and just might be my favorite movie of the year thus far. and in addition to being riotously funny, it’s brilliantly insightful about the process of comedy and by inference, about freedom of speech.

but my god is it filthy. don’t see it unless you are completely unable to be offended, which i am not able to be. offended.

but do see it if you are worried about your right to be offended, because this movie is still flying under the radar. but it will eventually be topic one in sunday church and on fox news. and nothing would be a bigger statement against that crap than big box office numbers, which this movie is getting already. after it’s first week of release, it’s on the list of all-time biggest box office by theater–$65,000 per theater in only 4 theaters–which makes me very very happy. go go go dirty movie!

oh yes, the mac.
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i want a mac

i want a mac.


hopefully, the karma fairy will read this and drop a chunk of change in my pocket. my computer, which is a pc, a dell, is several years old. 5+ years old, to be exact. i think.

and it does the job, but i’m dreaming, and while i’m dreaming, i’m drooling. right on the keyboard, every time i go to the apple site, which is more often than i should.
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