amazing street art

virtual street reality.

follow the link above to see some amazing street art. here’s a description of it, from the site:

Julian Beever is an English artist who is famous for his art on the pavements of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium. Its peculiarity? Beever gives his drawings an anamorphosis view, his images are drawn in such a way which gives them three dimensionality when viewing from the correct angle.

coolest thing i’ve seen on the internets in quite a while.

an evening at carnegie hall

kirk and i had tickets to the new york pops 23rd annual gala last night. there was a playbill discount email, and liza minnelli was performing and elaine stritch was hosting, and so i walked up to the box office the next day and got a pair of inexpensive tickets.

glad we did. it was sold out and people were begging for tickets. as well they should have been–it was a great show.

marvin hamlisch was the guest conductor–he did a credible job, and was generally genial, witty, and entertaining. i wonder if he’s auditioning for the job now that skitch henderson is dead. i’m not in the loop on that one–he may already have the job.

anyway, elaine strich was her strich-y best. she sang two numbers, the second of which was the best performance of the evening. i don’t know the name of the song–perhaps kirk will be kind enough to post a comment (hint hint)–but she can deliver a lyric with better phrasing to convey emotion than anyone else alive, for my money.

liza sang “i love a piano”, as the theme was piano stuff what with the evening being a tribute to skitch henderson who was a real piano guy. she wasn’t in the best voice but with liza it really doesn’t matter, as she too can deliver with style that overcomes it.

i also liked bob lappin, who leads the palm beach pops. he led the new york pops orchestra in some well-chosen numbers and really made them sound good. when i retire to palm beach, i may have to buy a ticket.

the gala honoree was ahmet ertegun of atlantic records, so we got to hear two of his recording artists perform with the pops, which was a real treat in both cases. the first was a young scottish guy named paolo nutini–i’m going to have to buy a song or two on itunes. he had a very expressive voice–the crowd really loved him. and the other was kid rock, of all people.

now you’d think that kid rock at the pops would be oil and water, and he self-disparagingly said as much at the beginning of his performance, but he was fantastic. he sang one of his songs, and then sang “rock and roll” by led zeppelin.

and he was the only performer to get a curtain call. how about that.

now i have to gripe a bit. evidently the pops has some kind of program to give tickets to kids who sit in the balcony, and it exposes them to art and all. and the balcony above us was full of kids.

and they were perfectly behaved. they were quiet as church mice when the concert pianist played and when the pops played their pop, and they were appropriately energetic when, say, darlene love sang “da do ron ron”. good to see it.

so what am i griping about?

well, the old biddies in front of me, who, quite the opposite of the kids, sat like stone through kid rock, and paolo nutini, and darlene love and all, but couldn’t keep their fat mouths shut during, for example, the cole porter medley. in loud voices, they discussed whether or not they had seen “de-lovely” and whether or not they liked it, until i nicely asked them to stfu.

kirk thinks that’s true in general, and i’m inclined to agree with him. i think old people tend to be more clueless about appropriate public behavior than young people. you can disagree, but i don’t care.

when kirk and i get our finances more in order, we’re going to get season tickets to the pops or something similar.

we had a great time.

update: paolo nutini’s site has free downloads of his music, but they are pc only. bad form, paolo nutini.

american idol? feh.

i’m getting bored with idol.

three or four weeks ago, it seemed that this was the best crop of talent ever. i was geniunely looking forward to the weeding out process.

but the song selection has sucked, for the most part. and not a single idol has progressed past the point where they started. each remaining idol sings just like they did when they started.

no growth.

and i haven’t been blown away by a single performance in weeks. when i say blown away, i’m talking at the level of fantasia singing “summertime”, which was for me the high water mark of idol performances. no one is even close to that this year.

hell, no one has even approached the level established by clay aiken when he sang “solitaire”. and that’s saying something, because i am not now nor have i ever been a claymate, and i laughed my ass off at his attempt to be a sincere neil sedaka. that performance though, in retrospect, seems toweringly godlike in comparison to what i’m suffering through now.

although i must admit i do find clay’s video chat escapades quite amusing.

so we are left with taylor, who i like quite a lot but needs to get serious and stop goofing around with crap like “play that funky music”. taylor, you need more tom waits and more ray charles, not more wild cherry.

and chris, who i have never liked. i like his voice but his phrasing drives me bonkers. and stylistically he just rips off so many people, and brings nothing original of his own to bear. it gripes me that no one calls him on this–so many of his performances have been rip-offs of lesser known versions of songs (red hot chili peppers, live, and the list goes on from there).

and catherine, who always sounds slightly off-key or pitchy to me, and is sometimes tolerable and once in a while pretty good. but then she stops singing and opens her mouth to talk and i just can’t stand her. i did like her second song on tuesday, though–the one with the drums.

and elliot, who please please please needs to stop looking at the camera in that amish-boy-just-off-the-farm way. he has zero charisma, or less than zero. if i close my eyes i love him. if i open them i’m aghast.

so i guess i’m left rooting for taylor, but only by default.

the final weeks? elliot goes next, then catherine, then taylor wins the taylor vs. chris showdown to be the next american idol.

but i have a feeling that people are really fickle this time, and a really crappy week or a brilliant week by anyone, but especially by taylor or chris, could dramatically change the balance.

oh by the way, here’s a great place to get caught up on your yiddish, if you don’t know what feh means.

my my mandisa

on the mandisa thing, which i blogged about earlier–here’s my quick take on why she was voted out when she was.

as i see it, mandisa had two sets of hardcore fans–the ultra-religious ones who got the hints and knew she was religious, and the gay fans who loved her diva-hood.

her gay fans stuck by her when she sang a gospel song the previous week, becuase gay people in general are hyper-sensitive to bigotry and wouldn’t avoid voting for her on that basis alone. and she sang the song well. i voted for her, because i love me some gospel and she kicked butt singing the song.

her gay fans would be hypersensitive to hypocrisy as well, though. so when it came out that she was openly supportive of a known, active homophobe, her gay fans (including me) abandoned her.

and she went home. simple as that.

you could say that she went home because it was country week, and she did an abysmal job at singing the song. which she did.

but she dropped too far, too fast for it to only be a country music thing.

mandisa, darling: it’s a gay thing too.

just ask donna summer. really though, mandisa, you should have asked her before you went down the same career-wrecking road she did.

bottom line? just about everybody will tolerate a different point of view.

and just about everybody gets annoyed with hypocrisy.

mandisa, say it ain’t so

is american idol’s mandisa homophobic?

kirk just sent me a link to a story on the advocate’s website that outlines mandisa’s overwhelming devotion to beth moore, an anti-gay “christian” writer whose website links to ex-gay groups.

i’m not linking to ms. moore, because i’m not boosting her google rank. google her if you want.

now maybe mandisa, who i’ve voted for every single week, is not homophobic. maybe she is unaware of ms. moore’s homophobic rants, and disagrees with them.

if so, mandisa needs to clarify her views on the subject, because there’s a lot of smoke, and i don’t know if there’s a fire.

absent a clarification, though, i’m not voting for her anymore, even if she is one of my favorites. i have a feeling that a big chunk of her fan base are gay men, and she’d better get out in front of this quickly.

news in brief

from an article on saddam hussein’s forced attendance at his trial:

“degradation and shame upon you, raouf,” saddam yelled. later, he called the investigating judges “homosexuals.”

saddam, you wacky gay-basher/closeted homosexual you.

from an article on show dogs braving the new york blizzard conditions:

…the 1969 blizzard created even more havoc. that was the year the esteemed walter goodman was seen carrying his prize skye terrier from [madison square] garden while his mother trudged behind.

when someone chided goodman about paying more attention to his dog than his mom, he supposedly said: “i’m not showing my mother.”

proving once again that you should never piss off a queen holding a small dog.

the nathan lane reality bubble

nathan lane talking to katie couric about “brokeback mountain” on the “today” show:

“it’s really when [ledger] said, ‘this thing gets hold of us the wrong time, the wrong place, we’re dead.’ i thought, ‘what do you mean, like the a&p? you’re in the middle of nowhere! get a ranch with the guy! stop torturing these two poor women and get a room! what’s the problem?'”

i hereby proclaim nathan lane to be an idiot who needs to venture out beyond new york and los angeles. except for the torturing the women part, which has a modicum of truth, this is as clueless a point of view as i’ve seen uttered in quite a while.

bauhaus was fantastic

if you have a chance to see bauhaus on this tour, don’t miss them. peter murphy and daniel ash have lost none of their onstage presence, they sound amazing, they do all the songs you want to hear.

amazing evening.

the nokia theatre, not so great. bad acoustics. plus there’s something odd about walking around with a cocktail in your hand listening to chamber music while awaiting the start of a bauhaus concert.

the crowd was very very odd.
Continue reading “bauhaus was fantastic”

radio city blues

actually not blues. actually very very irritated. pissed off.

actually first a quick mention of souvenir, the new play about florence foster jenkins. it’s the funniest, most-touching, and best-written piece i’ve seen in ages. do yourself a favor and see it immediately if not sooner.

and now, on to my complete disgust about the radio city christmas show.

i’ve blogged before about how much i love the radio city christmas show and why, so i won’t repeat myself here. you’ll just have to read the prior piece, or trust me.

and this year, like nearly every other year i’ve been in new york, kirk and i got tickets. there are always great deals floating around, and we got buy-one-get-one-free tickets for an off-peak performance, so the total out-of-pocket wasn’t too bad. our tickets are for a december performance.

if you don’t live in new york you may not know this, but the union representing the christmas show musicians recently went on strike. actually there’s some dispute about even that. the musicians say that they accepted the offer from management but have been locked out. the management (cablevision, certainly not any new yorker’s favorite company) says that the musicians must sign the contract before they can come back to work, or something like that. it’s all very confusing and contradictory.

and some accountant at cablevision, with a clear eye to the bottom line, decided that the show must go on, except without any live music. so the rockettes are rocketing, and the dancing santas are multiplying, and the tin soldiers are falling down, and the camels are hopefully not crapping on the stage as they walk across.

all to a tape. recorded music.

i do not pay any money to a broadway musical, which is what this is if you ask me, to sit and listen to fucking memorex. i want to hear living musicians live. and at the christmas show, this is a particular problem, because the musicians are an integral part of the show. the orchestra pit moves up onto the stage and back down in front of the stage while they are playing, and it’s tremendously cool. and the two organists play the dueling pipe organs before the show, and it’s thrilling in an old-school way that can’t be duplicated.

and the press is giving me fits. they keep asking these dumb tourists from bumfuck egypt if they missed the live music. and what do you think the uniform answer is? “oh no, not a bit, the show was wonderful, the music was fabulous, blah blah blah.” and then they waddle off to times square making spandex shorts noises. and i have yet to see or hear the first quote supporting the musicians, although you know that there are plenty of people who do. wonder why not? cablevision is a big advertiser in all these newspapers and on all these tv stations, you know. money talks. doubt me? when’s the last time you saw a newspaper run an article about how car dealers rip you off?

but i digress.

i guarantee you that, if i had known that i was going to hear all the songs played back on an ipod or whatever, that i would not have bought tickets in the first place. i bought those tickets with an expectation of a certain show, a reasonable expectation based on the show that’s been playing since, what, 1930-something?

so this morning i strolled across the street (i work across the street. very cool, huh?) to ask a hypothetical question. if i purchased my tickets before the strike, expecting to see live music, and there is still no live music in december when it’s show time for me, can i get a refund?

the very apologetic box office person, who is, i must add, a union member herself, politely told me that there are no refunds.

i didn’t cause a scene. this was a quick reconaissance mission, and it’s not her fault, and i asked as nicely as i could and left immediately after getting my answer, and you could tell from the look on her face that she knew exactly where i was coming from and hated like hell telling me what she had to tell me. except that, of course, if she was a union member with a clue or with any self-respect, she and all her co-workers would not be at work in the first place.

it must be said that i am a big hardline supporter of unions. i belonged to a union in every job i ever had when the option was available. and it must also be said that the musician’s union ain’t exactly steelworkers out of a job in the rust belt. they make outrageous money, and have benefits out the wazoo, and cushy working conditions, and all that.

i don’t care. a union is a union, and i can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone associated with the show who belongs to any union is showing up for work. that includes stagehands, box office, rockettes, the whole schmear. they ought to be shutting the whole ball of wax down. whatever happened to union solidarity?

i bet you that utah phillips wouldn’t be seeing the christmas show under these conditions. and i bet he’d have a thing or two to say to those lousy caving non-supportive rockettes.

it’s my fervent hope that this is a non-issue by december. i hope that, whatever it takes, i see live music in my christmas show. but i have a feeling that this may be cablevision’s way of getting the live music out permanently, so that they can make that much more money.

and if that’s the case, and there’s no live music come my december showtime, i’m going to have a decision to make. i may go to the show, and i may not. probably not, but i’m not sure. i haven’t thought that through logically yet. i’m not as ideologically pure as utah. i may just go and ask every damn employee in sight where the orchestra is and what they think of its absence. kirk will love that.

but this i do promise you. i can be quite an irritant to a corporation when i choose to be.

and if i indeed feel i deserve a refund prior to showtime, i guarantee you that i will, very sweetly and efficiently, use their own corporate system to use up a huge amount of the available time of their employees in my attempts to obtain that refund.

and that the dollar value of their employees’ time will exceed many, many times over the face value of my tickets.

don’t believe me? ask at&t wireless. ask american airlines. it’s a real talent of mine, and one that i choose to exercise on a limited basis, only when necessary. but i always get results and satisfaction, one way or another.

in this particular hypothetical case, i’d be satisfied with a refund from cablevision. i’d also be satisfied if i use up hundreds or thousands of dollars in employee time and still don’t get a refund.

i hope it doesn’t come to that.

cool things coming

lots of good happenings upcoming for kirk and me. last week was just hectic–every night with something different going on.

and i am a bit of a homebody, and i like to go out and do things, but not every single night. i need time to decompress. i like sitting around the house and wasting time however i choose to waste it.

that said, the next few weeks are bringing some fun things. spaced out a bit, so i can’t complain.
Continue reading “cool things coming”