why i hate oprah

i know you’re not supposed to hate anybody. and i really don’t actually hate oprah.

let’s just call it an intense dislike of everything she stands for and everything i’ve ever seen her do and every appearance she’s made in my brain.

other than when she was in “the color purple”. she was great in that. but it was before she was “oprah” in all capital letters which i don’t use on this site.

other than, that, can’t stand her. and here’s the latest reason why.
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rasputina. not bad!

i’d been cranky about going to see this band. frankly, yesterday’s post was more an attempt to kick myself in the ass to try to enjoy an evening about which i was, at best, dubious.

well, who knew.

not only was rasputina not bad, they were very very good. in fact, i’d go so far as to say they were pretty close to brilliant.

i used to care a lot, as faith no more once cynically said, about music. i was a nightclub dj and went out every single night for years on end. but music lately?

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switching to a mac

yes i’m switching to a mac. more in a moment.

but first, i saw the movie “the aristocrats” this weekend, and i’m still making up my mind on the ranking, but i’m pretty sure it was the funniest movie i’ve ever seen, and just might be my favorite movie of the year thus far. and in addition to being riotously funny, it’s brilliantly insightful about the process of comedy and by inference, about freedom of speech.

but my god is it filthy. don’t see it unless you are completely unable to be offended, which i am not able to be. offended.

but do see it if you are worried about your right to be offended, because this movie is still flying under the radar. but it will eventually be topic one in sunday church and on fox news. and nothing would be a bigger statement against that crap than big box office numbers, which this movie is getting already. after it’s first week of release, it’s on the list of all-time biggest box office by theater–$65,000 per theater in only 4 theaters–which makes me very very happy. go go go dirty movie!

oh yes, the mac.
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my favorite tv show

sounds like an assignment i’d have given my seventh grade english class. yes i taught seventh grade english once. it was hell. an old friend of mine, everett caudle, used to say that kids should stay home during seventh and eighth grades and return to school when they’d gone through puberty and their hormones had somewhat leveled off.

boy was he right.

anyway, my favorite current tv show until last night was “desperate housewives.” but not any more.
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abc news, reevaluated

i’m an abc news fan. i think it’s a holdover from when they actually were the best in the business. and i have a very dear friend who was a producer at abc news, and she’s told me so many great stories of how they were the best and why, that i still watch them almost exclusively.

post-election, though, i’m taking a break from tv news. i was overdosed, and needed a bit of a break from it. so, news fast time.

but, while watching abc news pre-election, i had started to notice a conservative slant to their reporting. not so much as to compromise integrity, but subtle things. i wondered if ownership had influenced news decision making, or if it was an inevitable product of budget cuts and pooled coverage.

then today i read a story about an upcoming 20/20 story on matthew shepard that, while i haven’t seen it and thus have not finalized my opinion, has the potential to send me over the edge into full-blown rage.
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the game

i’m reading “the poisonwood bible” by barbara kingsolver.

i’m a great believer that things and events come to you when they are supposed to, and it’s up to you to figure out why or be open enough to possibilities to let the intended meaning reveal itself, and this book is no exception.

the book was lying on a table of free stuff at work just before the election, and it said to me, “pick me up and read me.” so i picked it up and, after the election when i wanted some distraction, i started to read it. aaaargh.

it’s about a family of fundamental christians. just what i needed, to get my mind off of current events.
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