not exactly the mile high club

chilling story about two affectionate men on an airplane, who are confronted by a homophobic flight attendant.

evidently she took exception to their “behavior”, and when deservedly challenged by the pair, escalated the episode to terrorist-level to cover her ass, complete with a pilot’s threat to divert the flight.

one man had rested his head on his partner’s shoulder. and had blown him an air kiss.


and of course, if you are in that situation, there’s nothing you can say or do. if the personnel on the plane say that you are a threat, even if they are incorrect and doing so only to legally protect themselves, then you truly have no recourse. who’s going to believe you when you protest that you were only air-kissing?

on planes, i’ve seen straight people fucking in their seats under a blanket. in tiny adjoining coach seats, no less. i’ve seen straight people go into the bathroom together and reemerge flushed a few minutes later.

i don’t condone that. i’m not much for pda. but you just know that if two straight people air-kissed, or even really kissed, or even tongued each other for a while, nothing would have been said. and i saw flight attendants actively ignoring the aforementioned fornicators.

this is the danger we face when we allow our freedoms to erode as we have over the past few years. this is exactly what’s wrong with the patriot act, and the like. rules that skirt the edge of what’s legal and appropriate and sensible may just barely pass muster if applied correctly.

but those same rules, if applied capriciously, ensure that people will be falsely accused, and maliciously prosecuted, and inappropriately sentenced.

and you can’t ever count on the rules being uniformly applied by always-reasonable people. some people will always use the rules to further their agenda, or to introduce their prejudices.

and this happened on american airlines, my carrier of choice, who has an excellent record when it comes to these issues.

i’ll have to see how this turns out.

why brad pitt is hot

sure, physically.

but the dude has a beautiful mind as well.

consider this:

“Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able,” the 42-year-old actor reveals in Esquire magazine’s October issue, on newsstands Sept. 19.

the story was on the yahoo main page.

i knew i liked him for a reason.

kirk and i consider our commitment ceremony every bit as legal as a heterosexual marriage: we were married by an ordained minister from a legally recognized organized church, we have a new york city domestic partnership certificate, and we anxiously await the day when that document is recognized in the state of new york and in the united states as a whole.

come on, congress. do something about this issue.

brad pitt would greatly appreciate it.

as would i.

kansans regain common sense

opponents of evolution have lost their majority on the kansas state board of education.

well, thank god. who, no doubt, also believes in evolution, because she let it evolve after she set the big bang in motion, or whatever. so now schoolchildren in kansas will hopefully at least have a clue about what the scientific method entails.

and the subhead of this post is “but kentuckians lose theirs”. their common sense, that is.

it’s in kentucky, you know. the new creation museum. where you can see exhibits depicting dinosaurs co-existing with adam and eve, and other anachronistic anomalies.

thanks to this article and the efforts of this museum, i now know that all fossils on earth are a result of the great flood described in genesis.

who knew? screw that carbon dating stuff, right?

say it ain’t so, floyd

are you telling me that i can’t even trust a mennonite now?

apparently floyd landis, the tour de france winner, has flunked a drug test administered after stage 17.

i saw his mother interviewed on tv. she was a charming mennonite woman, full of stories about his childhood in pennsylvania dutch country, and was so proud of him.

i hope for her sake this is a false positive test. she deserves better than having barry freaking bonds for a son.

update: the ap story was updated to include a quote from his mother:

Arlene Landis, his mother, said Thursday that she wouldn’t blame her son if he was taking medication to treat the pain in his injured hip, but “if it’s something worse than that, then he doesn’t deserve to win.” “I didn’t talk to him since that hit the fan, but I’m keeping things even keel until I know what the facts are,” she said in a phone interview from her home in Farmersville, Pa. “I know that this is a temptation to every rider but I’m not going to jump to conclusions … It disappoints me.”

now there’s a classy woman.

hey, floyd. call your mother. she deserves a call.

update #2: he called his mom. from the updated article:

Efforts to reach Landis were not immediately successful. But Arlene Landis said her son called Thursday from Europe and told her he had not done anything wrong.”He said, ‘There’s no way,'” she said in an interview with The Associated Press at her home in Farmersville, Pa. “I really believe him. I don’t think he did anything wrong.”

from what i’ve read, this may be a tempest in a teapot, caused by his approved use of cortisone for his degenerating hip.

i sure hope so.

world war iii?

i may just be an alarmist. or a fatalist. or a pessimist. or whatever ist you prefer.

but this article about india and pakistan has me thinking.

the article quotes sources in india as saying that pakistani intelligence is responsible for the recent bombings in mumbai that killed over 200 people.

great. just what the world needs. another region of the world destabilized based on probable conflict between islam and non-islam, which is what this comes down to. there’s suddenly an awful lot of this type of thing going on in a lot of different places all at the same time.

was pakistan involved? is india setting up pakistan as a straw man? does it matter? it matters not. what matters is the perception on both sides, and trust me, if this accusation gains a foothold there’s going to be major friction involving islam in yet another area of the world.

to add to the current issues in iraq.

and israel.

and iran.

and any of a host of other areas of the world. throw north korea into the mix as an unrelated wild card, and i’m now suddenly more nervous about an unstable world than i have been in quite a while, and that’s really saying something.

and, to put it mildly, i’m less than confident in our current government’s ability to navigate the tricky waters that may be ahead.

and, to put it bluntly, i’m less than convinced that our government is not the wizard behind the curtain, pulling levers.

i may just be paranoid. it’s hard to tell anymore.

extremely dangerous amish popcorn

apparently we don’t need to worry about protecting assets like “major business and finance operations or critical national telecommunications hubs” from terrorists.

we do, however need to protect old macdonald’s petting zoo, the sweetwater flea market, the mule day parade in columbia, tennessee and the amish country popcorn factory.

sorry. no link to the amish country popcorn site. for some strange reason, the amish country popcorn people have no website.

anyway, the new york times has a great article about this today (free registration required). apparently, the government keeps a list of possible terror targets.

a list on which the government bases homeland security funding for each city and state.

a list which has, for example, 8,591 possible terror targets for indiana, 50% more than new york’s 5,687. which is why new york’s homeland security funds were cut by more than 40% this year, while hotbeds of terrorist activity like louisville and omaha saw their funding increase dramatically.

the times article quotes the department’s deputy press secretary jarrod agen thusly: “we don’t find it embarrassing. The list is a valuable tool.”

odd statement, jarrod agen, given that you apparently are a valueless tool.

how in the world does the government get away with turning the defense of our country into a pork-barrel feeding frenzy for “1,305 casinos, 163 water parks, 159 cruise ships, 244 jails, 3,773 malls, 718 mortuaries and 571 nursing homes”?


march together for life

the onion is a satirical newspaper whose goal is to present satirical content in a straightforward manner, so much so that their articles can be mistaken for real.

mistaken for real, that is, if you are a total idiot who has no concept of what satire is.

which, apparently, is the case with pete, the fellow running “march together for life”, a blog that espouses an anti-abortion perspective. good for him, as long as he isn’t publishing the home addresses of abortion doctors. everyone has an opinion, and with appropriate time-and-place restrictions, everyone should be able to voice their opinions in the forum of their choice.

i’m pro-choice that way, too. blog away, pete.

but realize, too, that the world really will beat a path to your door if you reveal yourself to be a monumental fool. pete, in this case, found an article at the onion site from 1999 entitled “i’m totally psyched about having this abortion”.

and raged about it in his blog, not realizing that the article was satire.

and then tried to justify the lunacy in his follow-up piece.

read the comments. they are priceless. here’s my personal favorite:

“I’m pro life, but sweet Jesus you’re an idiot. For your next post, how about a passionate speech on the need to immediately free Prince Albert from the can?
Boo | 07.08.06 – 12:24 am | # “

when you become so vitriolic and so committed to a cause that you lose your sense of humor when discussing your cause, you run the risk of falling over the precipice of reason into complete illogic and public ridicule. i’ve seen people like this when i worked with animal rights groups.

believe me, idiots like this are on both sides of the political spectrum.

it’s good to bring passion and fervor to your cause.

just don’t forget to bring the humor, perspective, and humility as well.

update: apparently the author removed the comments from the page. they are archived here.

good for the supremes

the supreme court has blocked president bush from ordering military war crimes trials for detainees at guantanamo bay in cuba. it’s a major blow to his so-called “war on terror” which thus far has caused more worldwide terror than it has stopped, if you ask me.

and the result was 5-3, meaning that even though chief justice roberts sat out the case, his vote either way would not have changed the outcome. too bad justice scalia doesn’t have the same set of ethics as does roberts–scalia, as he’s proven time and again, would never have recused himself even if he should have.

and as i’ve said so many times, the supreme court ends up being an independent institution, no matter how much effort presidents put into stacking the deck in their favor.

those people are independent cusses, and, if you think about their decisions impartially, they get it right nearly all the time.

good for scotus. go scotus.

the national priorities project

here’s a page that will get you fired up and cranky for sure. at least it got me fired up and cranky.

it’s the national priorities project. there you can, for instance, find out how your tax dollars could be better spent, either nationally or in your area. ever wondered how many cops could get put on the street in your state if bush didn’t waste so much money on “star wars” missile defenses? if so, this is your place.

maybe you are completely happy with the way that the government is collecting and spending your tax dollars. if you are, then don’t bother clicking. but i have a feeling that, no matter what your political persuasion is, you’d be happier if your money was spent more wisely.

and anyway, who the hell is happy with the government? certainly no one i know, republican, democrat, or otherwise.

birds do it, bees do it…

have homosexual sex, that is.

and more than just birds and bees. evidently bighorn sheep, giraffes, bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, gray whales, west indian manatees, japanese macaques, and hundreds of other species are getting their same-sex jollies.

that’s been a known fact for some time, though. but the scientific community, through their outright homophobia or maybe just their squeamishness, has not thought through the impact of this.

but now joan roughgarden has, and the implications are staggering.

staggering as in shaking the very foundations of darwinism.

as the article says, “For too long…biology has neglected evidence that mating isn’t only about multiplying. Sometimes, as in the case of all those gay sheep, dolphins and primates, animals have sex just for fun or to cement their social bonds. Homosexuality…is an essential part of biology, and can no longer be dismissed. By using the queer to untangle the straight, Roughgarden’s theories have the potential to usher in a scientific sexual revolution.”

this article is an absolute must-read…one of the most fascinating accounts of divergent thinking that i’ve run across in some time. the kind of article that not only forces you to consider what you think of ms. roughgarden’s thesis, but also to reconsider the basic tenets of what you’ve believed to be true all your life.

like this, for instance: she believes that there is proof that bisexuality is the norm in the animal world (we are animals too, you know), and that “the hetero/homo distinction is a purely cultural creation, and not a fact of biology”.

or this: “At this point, we have thousands of species that deviate from the standard account of Darwinian sexual selection. So we get all these special case exemptions, and we end up downplaying whatever facts don’t fit. The theory…clearly has the trajectory of a hypothesis in trouble.”

she’s currently being shouted down by much of the entrenched scientific community for what are ostensibly valid (to them) reasons, but behind their official objections, there’s the fact that ms. roughgarden used to be mr. roughgarden. unofficially, they think that colors ms. roughgarden’s conclusions.

maybe it just takes one to know one?

bigots? in congress? nah.

the senate is preparing to vote, yet again, to write discrimination into the constitution. will it happen? not a chance. but the republicans see it as a sop to their religious faithful (people whom, to my mind, are actually neither).

from an ap news article on the subject:

“The Republican leadership is asking us to spend time writing bigotry into the Constitution,” said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (news, bio, voting record) of Massachusetts, whose state legalized gay marriage in 2003. “A vote for it is a vote against civil unions, against domestic partnership, against all other efforts for states to treat gays and lesbians fairly under the law.”

Hatch responded: “Does he really want to suggest that over half of the United States Senate is a crew of bigots?”

do i really need to respond to hatch? or is the answer to his supposedly rhetorical question self evident?

update: as expected, the proposal failed. with 48 senators voting for passage, hatch is technically correct. instead, just under half of the senate is a crew of bigots.

nothing worth defending?

the nimrod head of homeland security, michael chertoff, has basically announced that there are no monuments in new york city worth defending, and has disproportionately cut new york city’s homeland security funding.

actually, he’s not a nimrod. he’s an asshat. or an asstard, if you will.

anyway, new york’s senator hilary clinton has come up with the bright idea to send michael “asshat” chertoff postcards from the various monuments he’s not choosing to protect.

i think this is brilliant and witty and subversive in just the right way. i’m going to send a few postcards, and i think you should too.

leave it alone

apparently, thanks to intrepid scientists with nothing constructive to otherwise occupy their time, mankind has discovered an area of new guinea that is being described as a “garden of eden”.

by the way, i know that the period should go inside the quotes–“garden of eden.” i think that’s silly, and it’s my site. but i digress.

here’s the link to the story–it’s on the bbc news site.

great. another pristine area we can screw up.
Continue reading “leave it alone”

quote of the day

from a new york daily news article on mayor bloomberg’s gun control initiatives.

“virginia is liberal in gun ownership, but our crime rate is very low,” explained jerry thompson, 41, owner of dominion shooting range inc., a richmond gun shop. “so we kind of thumb our nose at new york because gun laws are so restrictive there, but crime is higher.”

in truth, the per capita crime rate was almost three times higher in richmond than in new york city in 2004, according to the last full year of fbi data on major crimes.

ha! take that, richmond, virginia nra wingnuts! move to new york, give up your guns, and be statistically safer than you are now.

i’m sure that this is true for a lot more places other than richmond as well.

and the truth is?

another uneventful commute. i wish everyone was as lucky as i am…evidently, contrary to what i previously said about resourcefulness, it’s not getting any easier at all for a lot of people.

i’m waffling a bit on my opinion of the union. yesterday the other municipal unions held a press conference where they stated that the same law (the taylor law) that prohibits municipal workers from striking also prohibits management from bringing pension issues to the table as a bargaining chip.

the truth?
Continue reading “and the truth is?”